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 Epic Games in collaboration with the NFL gives the possibility to Fortnite players to equip their characters with the jerseys of the different teams of the National Football League of the United States. To get them, simply go to the in-game store where they will appear along with the rest of the items available for purchase that characterize each character. No, there are no special missions to get them and the player will not be able to search for them in chests or hiding places in the scenario.

These costumes come in three different styles, two male and one female, and fans only need to purchase the skin instead of each team's individual uniform. Each of the costumes includes 32 uniforms consisting of pants, a t-shirt, and a helmet. The number that appears on the back and also to is chosen by the user.

This partnership was announced on November 5, 2018, with a total of 32 skins, one for each of the teams participating in this competition and they are available as of the 9 of this month.

This is not the first time that Epic Games has decided to include cosmetic elements related to sporting events in its Fortnite Battle Royale game. For example, for the FIFA World Cup in Russia, players could choose the uniforms of the countries that came to play in the championship final as their skin. The studio also hosted other events with other sponsors, such as when players could play with Thanos at the Avengers: Infinity War movie premiere. It is such a famous game that clearly serves as a great advertising medium and many big brands and companies are interested in this type of transactions

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